For MLK day my job that I did was very sweet and my neighbor appreciated it. I raked my 82 year old neighbors yard.I also got my mom to help me make cookies! THEY WERE CHOCOLATE CHIP! She invited us to sit down in her house and have some hot cocoa,and of course we did! My neighbor is very sweet but she can’t really hear that well. My neighbor has lived in White Oak for her whole life. No wonder she knows a lot of people. She is getting old so me and my mom visit her almost every day. Most of the time when we visit her she is watching Family Feud (cause she loves Steve Harvey) and eating popcorn! We normally cook her dinner and feed her 2 dogs Hannah and Bailey for her! She told me all about how she really appreciated all the work we helped her out with,and how she is so excited to see me at her house again later today. I can’t wait to go help her out even more! MLK is a very loyal man and I love celebrating MLK day!
Archive | January 25, 2019
Midnight Ride
minutemen were men who were created to be ready to fight at a moment’s notice.
Including their mission to find out if they are going by land or sea
Dawes AKA William Dawes
Night of April 18,hoping to suprise the militia in Concord 700 British soldiers marched out of Boston
Including with help: Samuel Prescott
Government knew that these preperations were underway
Hanging lanterns was their signal
Revere AKA Paul Revere
Including the locations: Concord and Lexington
Date of Midnight Ride: April 18,1775
Every move the British Soldiers made the patriots were watching