Archive by Author | lrosado

Dear Ike

Dear Ike,

It’s Mrs.Larue. How have you been? I wanted to let you know you have been a good dog. I know you’ve had a hard time but you were loved and missed. You don’t need to run away. You were doing just fine at the BROTWEILER CANINE ACADEMY!! (I think). I’m so glad you saved me from that crazy truck. I am kind of glad you ran away, but you should have stayed at the academy though. When we get home, I am going to make your favorite meal. CHICKEN PIE!!!!!! I bet you can’t wait to eat it. There is just one thing really important I need to tell you. Next time you should obey me and stay at the academy. You were doing just fine. Love you Ike!!!!!!!!



Simone Biles

Simone Biles was born on March 14,1997 in Ohio. She was poor when she was growing up. Simone Biles is most known for her 19 Olympic and world championship medals. Some of her physical characteristics are that she is strong and super short. Simone is really competitive. she really likes experimenting with eye makeup. Some of her friends say she is talented and incredible. Some things that are unique about Simone is that she has unbeatable skills. Some things alike about us is that we both like gymnastics and pizza. Also we are both scared of bees. Ways we are different are she does gymnastics and I don’t. One thing that I learned about her was that she has 4 German Shepherds at home.

Dueling Mandates in Yellowstone

The dilemma is that the Wildland fires can help create the landscapes people love to see but they can also disrupt vacations and change the look of the park. Grasses ,flowers and trees are rapidly replacing burned trees. Despite the disadvantages, the Yellowstone ecosystem needs fire to stay healthy. In summers like 1988,thousands of acres may burn,even if the fires are fought.In summers of severe drought,lightning caused wildfires are common. The solution is that we need to allow lightning caused fires to burn out on their own,but stop all human caused fires. I chose this solution because we need to stop all human caused fires because they are ruining the park. Instead  of fighting the lightning caused fires we should let them burn out on their own. That should stop human caused fires from ruining this beautiful park. This park is supposed to be beautiful, not burned because humans are starting fires. Yellowstone does need fire to stay healthy but not fire from humans. Fires can change the look of the park and ruin vacations too. Thousands of acres may even burn. Grasses are slowly replacing burned down tree.That is why I chose this solution.

John Jay

He served in the First Continental Congress in 1774
He joined John Adams and Benjamin Franklin
He played a prominet role
He was educated
John Jay
He was favored
In 1772 he ran unsuccessful
He was appointed the First Cheif of Justice
His remarkably productive public career ended with govenorship

Women in the Revolution

July of 1782

Deborah Samson was 15 years old and she had heard of the Declaration of Independence for the first time. Deborah granted her Independence. Deborah still yearns for adventure. Deborah will diguise herself as a man. She stitches together a mans suit then walks 40 miles to sign up. She enters a tavern where men are being recruited. Deborah deepens her voice and made up a name. The name was Robert Shurtlift. Deborah used the name of a brother who had died long before. Deborah is tall and she grew muscular on the farm so they thought she was a young boy. I chose to write about Deborah Samson because I feel she has a good heart and she is really smart.These are some facts about Deborah Samson.


For MLK day my job that I did was very sweet and my neighbor appreciated it. I raked my 82 year old neighbors yard.I also got my mom to help me make cookies! THEY WERE CHOCOLATE CHIP! She invited us to sit down in her house and have some hot cocoa,and of course we did! My neighbor is very sweet but she can’t really hear that well. My neighbor has lived in White Oak for her whole life. No wonder she knows a lot of people. She is getting old so me and my mom visit her almost every day. Most of the time when we visit her she is watching Family Feud (cause she loves Steve Harvey)  and eating popcorn! We normally cook her dinner and feed her 2 dogs Hannah and Bailey for her! She told me all about how she really appreciated all the work we helped her out with,and how  she is so excited to see me at her house again later today. I can’t wait to go help her out even more! MLK is a very loyal man and I love celebrating MLK day!

Midnight Ride

minutemen were men who were created to be ready to fight at a moment’s notice.

Including their mission to find out if they are going by land or sea

Dawes AKA William Dawes

Night of April 18,hoping to suprise the militia in Concord 700 British soldiers marched out of Boston

Including with help: Samuel Prescott

Government knew that these preperations were underway

Hanging lanterns was their signal



Revere AKA Paul Revere

Including the locations: Concord and Lexington

Date of Midnight Ride: April 18,1775

Every move the British Soldiers made the patriots were watching

Colonial Potter

Another day goes by having to deal with being a Potter. A lot of kitchens had plenty of pottery. I made bowls,mugs,and jugs that colonist needed. I settled in a town where there were people needing my wares. When I make pot I use the same clay as the brick maker. When I add sand to the clay it became stronger. Every time I was ready to throw pots,I work the clay to get any air bubbles out. Next,I throw the clay on to the Potter’s Wheel. I pumped the wheel’s foot pedal to make it spin. Each had to be bone dry before firing in the kiln. Once baked,the pots had to dry slowly so as not to crack. Being a Potter isn’t that difficult. I actually enjoy it!!